The book pictured below is changing my life. It's called "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.
Go get it.

So all three of us have come down with viral pharyngitis. Yesterday wasn't awful but today, Lila and I both have fever and are feeling pretty yuck. This is the first time I've really been sick as a mom, and let me tell you, it's a little different! My head is throbbing, throat is excruciating, chills, ect. Sweet little Lila cried all night, and all I wanted was to make her better.
It's so tempting to feel sorry for myself. I'm tired. Hurting.
I'm trying however, to look at this situation with gratitude, a concept that comes anything but naturally to me. I'm on a search for beauty, for treasures.
1.) Rain that helps everyone rest.
2.) Piping Hot Chicken Soup that really does make you feel better.
3.) My sweet baby girl who comes to me for comfort, crawls up my legs, and lays her head on my shoulder.
4.) A husband who still goes to work to provide for us, even when he isn't feeling great.
5.) Lila's four toothed grin that still manages to poke through when Daddy comes home.
6.) The Elmo video that has been on repeat.
7.) Zinc lozenges
8.) Zane's relentless sense of humor.
9.) The fact that we will be feeling well soon, and we are all generally in great health!!
How much have I missed in my life because I have been ungrateful, angry, or frustrated? How much beauty could I miss in the future if I don't readjust my eyes to finding goodness and God in the present moment? This way of choosing to see beauty in everyday moments is changing my life.
Ann writes in her book, "life is not an emergency." She says even things that are unexpected to us, are not unexpected to God. So life is not an emergency. I refuse to frantically rush through it and miss the gifts, even when we don't' feel well :)